1940 - Present:  Michillinda Park Association

Michillinda Park Association Articles Of Incorporation, Oct 1940
Original Document Source: Michillinda Park Association

On October 21, 1940 the Michillinda Park Association, Inc. was incorporated as a non-profit.  The Articles Of Incorporation can be found in the LA County Business Records database.  No annual Statement Of Information (SI) was recorded from 1941 - 2019.  The corporation is still active as of Debember 2021.  

Josephine Stevenson is named as one of the original incorporators.  The Articles stipulate:


Combined Grant Deeds for Michillinda Subdivision Alley Lots, Feb - Mar 1941
Original Documents Source: Michillinda Park Association

In February - March 1941, two Corporate Grant Deeds transferring ownership of the Michillinda Subdivision alley lots were filed.  

The first shows lots L – V (alleys) were deeded by the “Michillinda Improvement Association Ltd.” to the Michillinda Park Association Inc., with exceptions.  

The second was filed approximately a month later and appears to be a re-filing of the first, with the first party’s title changed to “Michillinda Improvement Association, Ltd…. which acquired title as the Michillinda Improvement Company.”

Josephine Stevenson is indicated as the President of the “Michillinda Improvement Association Ltd.” However, the LA County Business Entities Database does not contain any record of a "Michillinda Improvement Association Ltd."

Incomplete Quit Claim Deed Application for Park and Public Roads, Nov 1941
Source: Michillinda Park Association

An MPA-provided document dated November 1941 is legal correspondence to MPA Board Member Josephine Stevenson.  It contains an incomplete Quit Claim Deed application for the park and all of the subdivision's primary road lots, which were currently deeded to the Michillinda Improvement Company. 

Josephine Stevenson was previously recorded as President of “Michillinda Improvement Association Ltd. which acquired title as the Michillinda Improvement Company”, and indicates that Corporation has been DISSOLVED. The author of the correspondence refers to CA Civil Code Sec 399, which covers asset transfers from dissolved corporations.

The signature and notary sections are blank, and the form has a hand written message indicating the deed was not executed.  This therefore appears to be a rejected attempt by the MPA to assume the deeds for the primary roads and the park, which were instead deeded to the County soon after.

Michillinda Subdivision Survey Map, c.1943
Source: Huntington Library

A c.1943 survey map indicates all of the public roads as County property. Black dots appear to indicate which subdivision lots were occupied, with about 40% still vacant.

MPA Bylaws, Jun 1996 (current as of Dec 2021)
Source: Michillinda Park Association

The June 10, 1996 update to the MPA By-laws is still current and cited by the Board as of December 2021.

The By-laws include:

MPA Legal Opinion, Oct 2017
Source: Michillinda Park Association

In October 2017 the MPA provided a legal opinion to potential Members.  The opinion is not signed and makes assertions which appear to contradict the Articles and the By-laws, and thus has raised questions among lot owners.  

As of December 2021 the BoD has a policy of pursuing compounded interest and / or placing leins on the property of lot owners determined to be in arrears for membership or other fees.  Some lot owners report owing thousands of dollars with compounded interest to MPA in under 5 years since the opinion was distributed.

MPA SI, Jun 2020
Source: L.A. Co. Recorder

MPA SI, May 2021
Source: L.A. Co. Recorder

MPA CID, May 2021
Source: L.A. Co. Recorder

In June 2020 MPA recorded a Statement of Information indicating MPA is an “association formed to manage a common interest under the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act.”

In May 2021, MPA recorded a new Statement of Information, as well as a Common Interest Development Statement indicating Michillinda Park as a "Condominium Project."